Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Is it possible?

Obama Won’t Rule Out White House Run

*U.S. Senator Barack Obama graces the cover of Time this week to tout his new book, “The Audacity of Hope.” In the pages of the magazine, he was asked if he would consider a run for president once the November's midterm legislative elections have ended. The 45-year-old Illinois lawmaker has said no to this question many times before. But on this occasion, he left a crack in the door of a possible White House run. "When the election is over and my book tour is done, I will think about how I can be most useful to the country and how I can reconcile that with being a good dad and a good husband," he is quoted as saying by Time. "I haven't completely decided or unraveled that puzzle yet," said Obama, the only African-American currently serving in the US Senate.

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